Saturday 7 April 2012

Ian is ONE year old, 7th April 2012

Happy Birthday to you
Happy Birthday to you
Happy Birthday to Ian
Happy Birthday to you

Ian turned ONE year old today!

I still clearly remembered a year ago.. I wasn't sure if my water bag had burst (coz when I had Abby, my water bag burst and a huge gush of fluid went all over the floor)...all I knew was that I felt uneasy and actually thought I had wet my pants..I went to the toilet many times and changed my clothes, not knowing that it was a slow leaking of the water bag..Until noon time, my six sense told me that there was something not right...I called my hubby, who was working in Kulim and told him about my case..he advised me to see the gynae and confirm if it was a sign of that he could prepare himself to drive back..After checking, my gynae said I had dilated for 2cm and the baby was ready to meet the world..I quickly called my hubby and asked him to come back right away, worrying that he might not make it to see the birth of his son! (I was back in Klang weeks ago)

I checked in at 4pm++..I was given an induce labor..after 4 hours of labor pain, little Ian was born hubby didn't make it to witness his birth ..he was 1 hour late!

Ian had a different personality as compared to his sister, Abby..Ian was more cheerful and friendly..he was not afraid of stranger..however, he had a bad sleeping habit and often made me really mad! He don't seemed to sleep well at night and could wake up 'N' times to bother you..

Ian was also a fast learner..he could sit without support when he was 5 months old..started crawling around 7 months..I was grateful that am able to breastfeed him for 8 months (with formula)...and I always encourage all mothers to breastfeed their baby, at least till 6 months old..

When Ian was about 3 months old..we discovered that he was actually born with deformity, known as pectus excavatum..when we were first told by the first reaction was..WHAT's that? We thanked God that for the past one year, Ian grew up healthily..

I thanked God for the many precious moments spent with Ian for the past one year..I prayed that God will continue to bless His child and and am sure there are many more exciting years to come, to see Ian growing up to be a handsome boy!

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