We had an unforgettable moments during the last week of year 2011..Abby was admitted to hospital for 2 days due to food poisoning and high fever.
on 26th Dec 2011, we travelled back from Klang to Kulim. As usual, my mother-in-law (MIL) will prepare many things for us to bring back, for eg fish, meat, home-baked bread, home-made fishball etc. This round, she had cooked chicken rendang and basmadi rice for us to bring back as dinner.
Once reached home, both of us will first clean the house (vacuum and mop the floor), then unload the stuffs from the car..after all these were done, we had dinner. Mark and Abby ate first while I fed Ian milk..When Mark almost finishing the rice, he felt there were something wrong with it as the rice tasted weird and looked sticky..I smelt the rice and it looked 'ok' to me..Later, my sister in law called (my MIL also gave her the rice) and suspected that the rice had contaminated "臭酸"..come to think of it..the journey back home took 4 hours and the rice was kept inside a container and sealed up..my SIL might be right..best part was Abby finished her rice!
That night around 10pm, I heard Abby crying in the room..at first I thought she had nightmare and will go back to sleep soon..so I didn't go up and check on her..but, she didnt stop crying..in fact, she cried even louder..When I went up..gosh, she vomitted on the bed and her pyjamas..she was scare..I think this was the first time she vomitted! After cleaning up (showered her and changed the bedsheet), Abby went back to sleep..At almost midnight, she vomitted AGAIN! I was a bit frustrated but can't blame her..I didn't sleep well the whole night..coz she has been vomitting every hour and my job was to clean her and changed bedsheet..and aslo fed Ian when he was awake..Luckily, I got to sleep a little around 5am+..guessed Abby has nothing to vomit out already..phew..thought everything is settled..(if you were wondering where was the Daddy..well..he can't do much also coz Abby only wants me..so rather than 2 person couldnt sleep, I asked him to continue sleeping)
Who knows..Abby got high fever! We took her to see paediatrician and told Doctor that we suspected she got food poisoning due to the contaminated rice. Doctor said Abby had sign of dehydration, and if she continue to vomit..we have to admit her to hospital for drip. Doctor also warned us that this is a strong virus and chances of Ian being infected is high..we have to be cautious..I told Doctor that Abby had not been drinking milk since last night..Doctor asked to give her milk bit by bit and observed..
After some medication, I gave Abby 3oz of milk (usually she takes 7oz)..she finished it..BUT..vomitted out within 30min..Mark said should not rush..should give her small portion..her fever has come down abit..around 3pm+..fever came back..both of us were debating should we admit her to hospital or should we continue observing..and if we admit her, who to take care of Ian? Thank God for ZeYng & Cheryl, our bro and sis in Christ..they were willing to help and take care of Ian..moreover the hospital is very near to their house, so it was very convenient.
Reached Bagan Hospital around 430pm..Doctor said Abby need to be admitted for drip..and I gotta accompany her....Mark was carrying Abby when Doctor trying to look for Abby's blood vein..Abby was so terrified that she screamed and cried for hel
p..Mark asked Doctor if he needs to close the eyes.
Mark: Doctor, need to close the eyes?
Doctor: oh why? you are afraid?
Mark: oh not me..I meant close my daughter's eyes.
The Doctor was kinda humourous..Anyway, after everything done, it was almost 7pm..ZeYng and Cheryl dropped by to visit Abby and also to pick up Ian..they also brought dinner for us..I briefly told Cheryl how to take care of Ian and prayed that Ian will not give too much problems to them..
Abby was very tired and kept sleeping in the hospital..the nurse came in and out to check on her and passed the medicines..each time Abby saw the nurse/Doctor, she will automatically cry and hide under my shoulder..guessed they looked like 'monster' to her now..hehe..
The next day, thinking that Abby could be discharge..but Doctor said gotta stay for another night, to observe further..aiyo..my concern was Ian..not sure if Cheryl can handle him for another night..thank God, she was willing to take care of him for another night, with the help of her MIL and maid..
On second night, though Abby has no more fever, but she had diarrhea! Her stools were watery and smelly..Mark couldn't stand it..haha..he said he will always remember this smell..
One thing to note here was..for the past 2 nights in the hospital, I really enjoyed my sleep..I had more than 10 hours of sleep, which I never had before eversince I gave birth to these 2 children..moreover, Abby has no appetite to eat and Ian was not with me..I could just sleep through the night..lol..
Mark & I would like to say a BIG THANK YOU to ZeYng+Cheryl & family, for taking care of Ian/delicious dinner; Rev Wee & family for their prayers and loving breakfast; church members for their love and concern; Chee Liang & Candy for helping us in everywhere they could. Praise God for all these caring Angels around us.