Monday 18 November 2013

Sunday School Sunday 2013

18.11.13 (Mon)
Yesterday was Sunday School Sunday. As usual, the younger ones (2-9yrs old) were requested to present an item on this special day. Hence, they sang two songs - 我的家要荣耀主 & 主祷文. (started practicing weeks ago)
Click here for the first song & here, for the second song.
This year, all teachers were given an appreciation gift for their faithful serving in Sunday School Ministry. I remembered my days as a Sunday School (SS) teacher in my mother church, Klang Chinese Methodist Church (KCMC). I started serving in SS when I was 18 years old, as an assistant to Std One English class. One year later, I took over Std One class, and continued serving for 9yrs+..I liked teaching Std One coz I felt I could handle them better than the older ones, at least, they still listen to you and have the cutie look. However, in this present church, due to the small numbers of children, we have to arrange all the children (2-9yrs old) into one class.
So yesterday, Abby was the first in the line, leading the rest of the children to walk along the aisle and up to the stage. Hubby and I were happy to see that Abby no longer the timid gal 2 yrs ago..she walked steadily, swung both hands up, and sang well on stage!
15 years had passed..even the first batch of my SS students are now in their University life! I wondered if they could still remember me, Teacher Ai Leng, :P. Some of them are my Facebook friends though. And there was an incident where I attended a wedding Holy Matrimony at KCMC and in the car park, I met my ex-SS student's parents, who were also my church friends. Their children were waiting in the car while we were chatting. After that, I heard my ex-student asking his Mummy, "Mum, who is that you were talking with?" "Teacher Ai Leng can't recognise her?" "Huh?! That's Teacher Ai Leng??" I laughed. Then, one of my student is now serving in SS ministry too! Praise God!

I prayed that all the SS students will grow up to be the Children of God, walking the God's path and be a good testimony to people around them!

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