Wednesday 3 July 2013


3.7.13 (Wed)
I have been baking shaped dinner rolls (sausage rolls) and split tin (white loaf bread) for the past 2 weeks..Hence, I decided to try out another recipe from my bread baking recipe book - Challah.
Challah - an egg-rich, light-textured bread baked for the Jewish sabbath and to celebrate religious holidays. it is usually braided with three or four strands of dough, but eight strands or more may be used to create especially festive loaves.

500g high protein flour
2 tsp salt
20g or 4 tsp instant dried yeast
200ml lukewarm water (I used 150ml water + 50ml fresh milk)
2 tbsp cater sugar
2 eggs
75g butter, melted
For the glaze
1 egg yolk
1 tbsp water (I used fresh milk)
Poppy seeds / Sunflower seeds for sprinkling
Make 1 large loaf
1. Lightly greased a baking sheet. Sift the flour and salt together into a large bowl and make a well in the centre. Mix the yeast with the water and sugar, add to the centre of the flour with the eggs and melted butter and gradually mix in the surrounding flour to form a soft dough.
2. Turn out on to a lightly floured surface and knead for 10mins until smooth and elastic. Place in a lightly oiled bowl, cover with lightly oiled clear film (plastic wrap) and leave in a warm place, for 1 hr or until doubled in bulk.
3. Knock back (punch down), re-cover and leave to rise again in a warm place for about 1 hr. Knock back, turn out on to a lightly floured surface and knead gently. Divide into four equal pieces. Roll each piece into a rope about 45cm/18 in long. Lin up next to aech other. Pinch the ends together at one end.
4. Starting from the right, lift the first rope over the second and the third rope over the fourth. Take the fourth rope and place in between the first and second ropes. Repeat, starting from the right and continue until braided.
5. Tuck the ends under and place the loaf on the prepared baking sheet. Cover with lightly oiled clear film and leave to rise in a warm place, for about 30-45mins, or until doubled in size. Meanwhile, preheat the oven to 200c. Beat the egg yolk and water for the glaze together.
6. Brush the egg glaze gently over the loaf. Sprinkle evenly with the poppy seeds and bake for 30-40mins, or until the challah is a deep golden brown. Transfer to a wire rack and leave to cool before slicing.

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